Handelabra Games Year In Review 2022
Another year is nearly in the books. 2022 was the year of preparation for Handelabra Games. We launched several great things this year, but most of 2022 has been preparing for 2023. Here's a look back at what Handelabra did this year, and a preview of what is coming up.
Sentinels Sidekick for Android Hangs up its Cape
Earlier this year we updated Sentinels Sidekick for iOS with support for Definitive Edition and Sentinels of Earth-Prime. At the time it was our goal to update Sentinels Sidekick for Android with the same improvements.

Sentinels Sidekick Turns Three
Can you believe it's been three years since the last Sidekick update? With all that's been happening in the world of Sentinels, we decided it was time to kick the tires and freshen it up.

Sentinels Sidekick Update with Launch Game Support
Sentinels Sidekick has been updated with a handy new feature on both iOS and Android. Now you can launch the Sentinels of the Multiverse app directly from Sidekick.

2015 is off to a great start!
As January comes to a close, things have been going great here at Handelabra. Here’s what’s happened since the New Year that you might have missed!
Sentinels Sidekick for Android Powers Up
We have not forgotten about Sentinels Sidekick. Version 1.5 is now available on Google Play and Amazon Appstore. It makes Sidekick even more powerful and great looking!
Features, Features, Features! Sentinels Sidekick for Android 1.3 Now Available
As promised, we’re continuing to add more powers to your favorite Sidekick. Version 1.3 has been released on Google Play and Amazon Appstore, and it includes several requested features!