Sentinels Sidekick Turns Three

Can you believe it's been three years since the last Sidekick update? With all that's been happening in the world of Sentinels, we decided it was time to kick the tires and freshen it up.

Introducing Sentinels Sidekick 3.0 - now available on the App Store! It supports all three of the Sentinels core games:

  • Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition

  • Sentinels of Earth-Prime

  • Sentinels of the Multiverse (Enhanced Edition)

High resolution official artwork and nemesis icons for both new core games are included at no additional cost.

Sentinels Sidekick 3.0 on iPad Pro
Sentinels Sidekick 3.0 on iPhone 13

On first launch, the new My Sentinels Collection screen will help you select what games & expansions you own. You can access your collection settings at any time from the Tools menu.

Sentinels Sidekick 3.0 My Sentinels Collection screen

New feature! Customize your app icon, from the brand new Definitive Edition icon all the way back to the classic 1.0 icon! Check out all the options under Settings.

Sentinels Sidekick 3.0 icon selection screen

If you own both Definitive Edition and Enhanced Edition compatible content, an Impromptu Edition selector will be available to quickly switch between editions (or mix them together, if you dare).

Sentinels Sidekick edition selector

What else is new:

  • The minimum operating system requirement is now iOS 12 or later.

  • Screen layouts have been updated to adapt for all current iPad and iPhone devices.

  • Various animation glitches that appeared in newer iOS versions have been eliminated or reduced. A few might be lurking but we swear they aren't our fault; we plan to reach out to Apple developer tech support if it becomes necessary.

  • Mini-expansions and variant cards are now grouped up nicely in the settings.

  • Sentinels Information and other links have been updated.

What about Android?

We hear you! We are working on an update for Sentinels Sidekick on Android that will support Definitive Edition and Sentinels of Earth-Prime. Stay tuned for news!

What about digital Definitive Edition and Sentinels of Earth-Prime?

Good news! We officially announced that we are working on the digital version of Sentinels of Earth-Prime. It will be coming to Kickstarter next month!

We are excited about the continuation of Sentinels digital in all forms, including the possibility of digital Definitive Edition. There's nothing new to announce about that right now, but who knows what the future may hold?

Bonus: 10 years ago…

After returning from PAX Prime 2011, John played his original copy of Sentinels of the Multiverse (the little square box) quite a bit! He had an idea for an app, and mentioned it to Jeremy…

An email about Sentinels Sidekick

🥹 Maybe Christopher-senpai will notice me? 👉👈

Portion of Sentinels Sidekick design document

The pixels may be different now but the layout can't be beat!

Initial prototype of Sentinels Sidekick

On May 15, 2012 we submitted Sentinels Sidekick 1.0 to the App Store, and it became available on May 22, 2012. And here we are, ten years later, with Sidekick 3.0 - this little project of ours just won't stop!

App Store review log for Sentinels Sidekick 1.0

Sentinels of Earth-Prime - Now On Kickstarter!


The New Age has Arrived!