The Future of the Multiverse!
This past Friday, October 16th, marked the 6 year anniversary of Sentinels of the Multiverse making its debut on the digital tabletop. In honor of the occasion, we held a live stream looking back on where we’ve been, but also looking forward at where we may take the multiverse in the future!
Mini-Pack 4 now Available!
Season 2 continues with Mini-Pack 4. Now available on all platforms Mini-Pack 4 includes four new decks: Benchmark, Stuntman, Chokepoint, and the Celestial Tribunal.
Villains, PAX, Podcast and more!
It’s nearly February, and Vengeance has now been out for more than a month. We thought now would be as good a time as any to check in and let you know how things are coming along.
Welcome to Season 2 - Vengeance Available Now!
Sentinels of the Multiverse: Vengeance is now available across all stores and platforms!
A Prelude to Vengeance - Listening/Viewing Party Tuesday, with Christopher and Adam!
We’re throwing our next listening/viewing party tonight - Tuesday, December 13th on #SentinelsLive. The show begins at 6 PM Eastern (one hour earlier than usual).
Season 2 Begins Today!
It’s Friday, September 16th which means Season 2 has officially begun!
Temporary “Setback” for Season 2 iOS Launch
Despite our best efforts, it is looking unlikely that Season Pass 2 will launch on time on iOS. The Steam, Google Play and Amazon releases will occur as scheduled. For those interested in the specifics of why this is the case, read on. If not, just know that we plan to keep you posted with more updates as information becomes available.
Season 2 Begins Friday September 16
It’s been just over 1 month since Sentinels of the Multiverse squeezed itself onto your smartphone. In that time, we’ve been hard at work and we’re are happy to announce that Season 2 officially begins next Friday, September 16th, 2016!