Sentinels Season 2 Kickstarter now live!

With the release of Wrath of the Cosmos last week, we are just one Mini-Pack away from the end of Season 1. That means it’s time to turn our attention to Season 2, and ALL the remaining content for Sentinels of the Multiverse, but we need your help!

Starting today, April 18th at 11 am Eastern, and continuing until May 13th, we are raising money for Season 2 via Kickstarter. Visit the Kickstarter Page now to pledge your support and make Season 2 a reality.

What you can expect in Season 2:

  • Vengeance - The Vengeful Five, lead by Baron Blade have joined forces to battle our heroes team vs team! Also including 5 Heroes and 2 Environments, this is the first Mega-Expansion in Season 2.
  • Villains of the Multiverse - The second Mega-Expansion sees 10 more join the ranks of the villainous to give our heroes a real run for their money! When combined with the Vengeful Five, these 15 villains create almost 400,000 unique villain teams to defeat.
  • Mini-Pack 4 - Including Stuntman, Benchmark, the Celestial Tribunal and Chokepoint, this mini-pack rounds out the standalone mini-expansions for the tabletop.
  • Void Guard (Mini-Pack 5) - Previously known as the Southwest Sentinels, the power of the OblivAeon shards has made each team member a hero in their own right.
  • OblivAeon - The end of Multiverse as we know it… Unless you can figure out how to stop it!

We’re kickstarting all of the above, but we’ve also got some great features planned if we can reach our goal and keep going. Check back on the campaign often between now and May 13th.

The Multiverse needs you!

Pledge Now!


Season 2 Kickstarter - 7 Days Left, nearly funded!


Wrath of the Cosmos Available Now, Season 2 Kickstarter Coming Monday!