Sentinels Sidekick 2.0 is available now!

Happy first day of Gencon everyone! As promised, Sentinels Sidekick 2.0 is now available on the App Store. 

If you already own Sentinels Sidekick, this is a free update so just visit the App Store app and tap "update" and you'll be scoring your games in style with all the wonderful artwork right from Sentinels of the Multiverse!  

If you aren't yet using this plucky tabletop companion, you can download it now for $4.99. But if you want to try your luck, we're giving out some promo codes on twitter, all it will cost you is a retweet - but they won't last forever!

Finally, if you're at Gencon on Friday afternoon or all day Saturday, just find Jeremy (That's me! I'll be the dapper guy in the Handelabra Games shirt, probably within shouting distance of the Greater than Games booth trying to play every iteration of the game that exists). Rumor has it, I'll also have some codes to give out.

So as they say at the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation - Share and Enjoy!


Sentinels Sidekick 2.1 Preview: Ready for iOS 7


Pricing information for Sentinels Sidekick 2.0