Social Media - your life, as performance art

My wife and I had a conversation last night about social media. She was wondering aloud about how the constant performance brought about by Facebook and Twitter might effect a person, specifically, a younger person. I'm sure there are far smarter people who have broached this subject but as soon as she said it, I realized some behaviors I'd only recently picked up, specifically because of Twitter.I recently retweeted something along the lines of: "Twitter makes you love total strangers while Facebook makes you hate people you actually know". It was a funny, pithy observation but it rang true.  To me, Facebook is a community place where I only accept requests from people I've actually audibly spoken to at least once while Twitter is the grand marketplace of ideas where all are welcome.  And I've realized that I much prefer the latter.  The act of discovery with Twitter, finding other like-minded people via retweets and the like, makes it something I check almost constantly while Facebook has become a place I check in with once, maybe twice a week, if I remember.

I also curate more than one twitter account. @mrjhandel is just me while @handelabra is for the company (and @gameminder as well).  And I realized, after my wife mentioned the idea of the "performance" that I've been subconsciously censoring myself recently on Twitter.  Why would I do this?  Several of my recent follows @mrjhandel have seemed to come from @handelabra and I started to worry that some of my left leaning retweets might turn people away from the business and it is exactly this phenomena my wife was referring to.

Is your social media you - presenting yourself to the world as you are or is it *YOU!* - as you want the world to see and experience you?  My initial foray into twitter was the former.  I was just tweeting away, retweeting whatever deemed repeating.  But then, I started to get people following me that seemed to come from the business side and I started to feel like maybe I needed to "play the part" of a more middle of the road, boring business owner.  Something I failed to consider before this conversation was, maybe those people were actually following me. The me who actually had opinions.  And maybe they like Handelabra because there's actually people behind it that have opinions.  Crazy thought, I know.

But what really bakes my noodle now is - now that I'm aware of this, am I really going to go back to being me, or will being me just be a different kind of performance?

Tonight the part of @mrjhandel will be played by...

GAME.minder 2.0.2 fixes the fix

Bottom line - GAME.minder 2.0.2 fixes the launch issues introduced in 2.0.1.  If you were just waiting for that so you can once again use GAME.minder, the wait is over.  Head over to the app store and download it now!  If you are at all interested in the technical aspects, or just plain curious please keep reading.GAME.minder 2.0.1 is a textbook example of how NOT to issue a software patch and we take complete responsibility for botching it.  There were two distinct problems introduced, either of which were easy to discover and easier to fix, if we had only bothered to look for them (we didn't).

#1  In our Post-Pax excitement, we were super hyped to get out a couple fixes, one of which had been plaguing us since version 1.0 - release dates showing up "off by one" on some devices.  This change required some fundamental, if not incredibly extensive changes to some of the code in the client.  However, it didn't change anything specific to any device so we didn't test as extensively as we should.

#2 If you keep up at all with the Apple development world, you're probably aware that Xcode 4 is now "final" and able to build software for the App Store.  Mistakenly assuming that it would be perfectly fine, we changed over to Xcode 4 from Xcode 3.x.

We then tested upgrading from 2.0 to 2.0.1 on all our recent devices (iPhone 4, iPod touch 4g), submitted it, and sprained our elbows patting ourselves on the back.

So what did we fail to do?

  • Test on ANY older devices
  • Test upgrading from 1.x directly to 2.0.1 skipping over 2.0

By failing to do these two simple things after a major change to the development workflow (changing to a "final" IDE that is really more public beta) we not only crippled upgrading (Xcode 4 has issues with code data migration) but we also made GAME.minder completely unlaunchable on older devices (The LLVM compiler with the 4.3 SDK generates incorrect code for older processors).  Not bad for a days work huh?

So learn from our mistake and TEST, TEST, TEST before submitting that latest build children. Thanks for your patience and we promise to be more careful in the future.

GAME.minder 2.0.1 brings major fix

GAME.minder 2.0.1 is now live on the App Store and is a recommended download for all users.Among a few other minor fixes, there are two big updates:

  1. We've finally fixed a persistant and frustrating bug that could cause dates stored correctly in out system to display in app as one day early.  For instance, GAME.minder 2.0 would display as March 10th instead of the correct March 11th.
  2. Due to lots of feedback, we've increased the number of actions before the boosting penalty sets in from 2 to 4.

GAME.minder 2.0.1 is a free update on the App Store so go download it now!

Post Pax Pix Pax Post

What an amazing weekend!  Thanks to everyone who tried out GAME.minder and a special thanks to those who played Presidential Pugilism and gave us feedback.  Time to set your sites on PAX Prime in late August for another look at a (hopefully finished) Presidential Pugilism!Until then, here's some pics from PAXEAST 2011

And finally, some shots of playing the presidents:

Thanks for a great PAX East and we'll see you in August for PAX Prime!!

GAME.minder: After PAX East

PAX East was a great time and all of us at Handelabra were super busy. So busy in fact that we've gotten behind a bit on making sure new games are added into GAME.minder, especially with all the announcements at PAX. But now we're getting caught up! Keep sending in your new game requests and reporting games so that we can make GAME.minder the best it can be!We're also working on fixing some issues you may have seen in GAME.minder 2.0. You may have seen release dates appear one day off from the real date, or you may have been having trouble updating from the server. Fear not, we're on it! if you are seeing these problems or others feel free to let us know at

GAME.finder game at #PAXEAST

There's a game afoot at pax today and tomorrow (well, to be fair, a lot more than one).But this is the only game that will get you a swank Handelabra t-shirt and all you have to do is keep your eyes open. Hidden around the BCEC, at PAX East are several GAME.minder cards with a hand written message on them.

Find one of these cards and follow the directions written on it and we've got a t-shirt for you!

So get out there and start lookin!

GAME.finder game at #PAXEAST

There's a game afoot at pax today and tomorrow (well, to be fair, a lot more than one).But this is the only game that will get you a swank Handelabra t-shirt and all you have to do is keep your eyes open. Hidden around the BCEC, at PAX East are several GAME.minder cards with a hand written message on them.

Find one of these cards and follow the directions written on it and we've got a t-shirt for you!

So get out there and start lookin!

GAME.minder 2 in the wild!

Taking a few moments out of my PAX East Friday to officially announce that GAME.minder 2 is out and available on the App Store!We saw that some of you noticed very late last night and the leader board had more than 30 people by midnight eastern time. And sadly, we as devs no longer have the edge and we've all been ousted from the top spots - But nothing could make us happier.So if you haven't already, now's the time to head to the app store and grab the free update to GAME.minder 2!

Keep up with the Handelabranauts by heading to

Don't forget to play