2 Years and Counting

October 16th, 2016 will mark the second time this big blue ball of ours has made a complete revolution around the sun with Sentinels of the Multiverse: The Video Game on it. To celebrate the occasion, we’re gonna be throwing a “Virtual Anniversary Party” October 14th, 15th and 16th.

We’re doing some preparations of our own, but just like last year, we need your help! Besides marking your calendar, telling your friends, and joining the party, you can participate in the following ways:

  • Do you stream Sentinels of the Multiverse on Twitch, YouTube, or elsewhere? If you do, and you’re available that weekend then we want to talk to you. Get in touch here.
  • We’re also planning to put together a fun video commemorating the last 2 years. If you have anything Sentinels-related you’d like to see included, shoot it our way! What kind of stuff are we looking for?
    • Cosplay Pics/Video
    • Pics/Video from Gen Con, PAX and other shows
    • Fan artwork
    • Selfies playing Sentinels (cardboard or video game)
    • Maybe just record a video/soundbite of yourself: Saying your favorite thing about Sentinels, talking about your favorite hero, villain, environment, mechanic, etc.
    • Anything else Sentinels related you can think of. No wrong answers people!

You can submit anything via email at feedback@handelabra.com with a subject of "Anniversary" If you are submitting a video that is too big to email, just let us know that you’ve got something and we’ll figure out delivery. Depending on how much of a response we get, we may not use everything we receive, or we may just use pieces or parts.

There will be more info coming in the weeks ahead, but we wanted to let you get started on this ahead of time. As always, the best way to keep up on what’s happening with Handelabra Games and Sentinels Digital is to follow us on Twitter or Facebook, or join our mailing list.


2nd Anniversary Party and Sale!


iOS Season 2 Launch Date: September 21 (Tomorrow!)