Super Scientific Experimentation

The Super Scientific Tachyon has been hard at work at optimizing her efficiency while in the lab. Her latest research has revealed important data, furthering the progress of speedy science. In an effort to aid other Sentinels in their fight against the criminals who threaten the Multiverse, she has made her research data public!

Since this is Science we’re talking about here, we need a hypothesis. We are able to mathematically compute the probabilities of what will happen on any given deck if The Super Scientific Tachyon experiments on it. Let’s assume the decks are full.

To compute the chance of playing cards, we look at every possible pair of cards in the deck (including multiple copies of each card). Hero decks have 40 cards, which makes 1560 pairs (a card cannot pair with itself). Villains have 600 pairs and environments have 210. For each pair we check if they share a keyword. If so, that deck gets a “point.” Add up the points and divide by the total number of pairs, and you have the result!


% Chance of Playing

% Chance of Discarding

 Absolute Zero






 The Argent Adept












 Captain Cosmic



 Captain Thunder









 Dr. Metropolis


















 The Harpy



 Johnny Rocket






 La Comodora



 Lady Liberty



 Lantern Jack












 Mr. Fixer



 The Naturalist


















 The Raven



 The Scholar



 The Sentinels












 Star Knight















 The Visionary



 Void Guard Dr. Medico



 Void Guard Mainstay



 Void Guard The Idealist



 Void Guard Writhe



 The Wraith















 Baron Blade



 La Capitán



 The Chairman






 Citizen Dawn






 The Dreamer



 The Ennead






 Grand Warlord Voss









 Iron Legacy



 Kaargra Warfang









 Grue Meta-Mind



 The Matriarch



 Miss Information









 Plague Rat









 Wager Master






 Baron Blade









 La Capitan



 Citizens Hammer & Anvil









 Fright Train






 Miss Information



 The Operative



 Plague Rat






 Sergeant Steel



 The Block



 The Celestial Tribunal



 Champion Studios



 The Court of Blood



 Dok'Thorath Capital



 The Enclave of the Endlings



 Farside City



 Fort Adamant



 The Final Wasteland



 Freedom City



 Freedom Tower



 Insula Primalis



 Madame Mittermeier's Fantastical Festival of Conundrums and Curiosities



 Maerynian Refuge









 Mobile Defense Platform






 Nexus of the Void



 Omnitron IV



 Pike Industrial Complex



 Realm of Discord



 Rook City



 Ruins of Atlantis



 Silver Gulch, 1883









 The Temple of Zhu Long



 The Terminus



 Time Cataclysm



 Tomb of Anubis



 Wagner Mars Base






 The Aeon Men Deck



 The Scion Deck



Again with the Science, we need to run an experiment or two, and see if reality matches up with our expectation. Here are the results of trying “Experiment” 1,000,000 times on each full deck, reshuffled each time. It’s the Monte Carlo method at work!


% Chance of Playing

% Chance of Discarding

 Absolute Zero






 The Argent Adept












 Captain Cosmic



 Captain Thunder









 Dr. Metropolis


















 The Harpy



 Johnny Rocket






 La Comodora



 Lady Liberty



 Lantern Jack












 Mr. Fixer



 The Naturalist


















 The Raven



 The Scholar



 The Sentinels












 Star Knight















 The Visionary



 Void Guard Dr. Medico



 Void Guard Mainstay



 Void Guard The Idealist



 Void Guard Writhe



 The Wraith















 Baron Blade



 La Capitán



 The Chairman






 Citizen Dawn






 The Dreamer



 The Ennead






 Grand Warlord Voss









 Iron Legacy



 Kaargra Warfang









 Grue Meta-Mind



 The Matriarch



 Miss Information









 Plague Rat









 Wager Master






 Baron Blade









 La Capitan



 Citizens Hammer & Anvil









 Fright Train






 Miss Information



 The Operative



 Plague Rat






 Sergeant Steel



 The Block



 The Celestial Tribunal



 Champion Studios



 The Court of Blood



 Dok'Thorath Capital



 The Enclave of the Endlings



 Farside City



 Fort Adamant



 The Final Wasteland



 Freedom City



 Freedom Tower



 Insula Primalis



 Madame Mittermeier's Fantastical Festival of Conundrums and Curiosities



 Maerynian Refuge









 Mobile Defense Platform






 Nexus of the Void



 Omnitron IV



 Pike Industrial Complex



 Realm of Discord



 Rook City



 Ruins of Atlantis



 Silver Gulch, 1883









 The Temple of Zhu Long



 The Terminus



 Time Cataclysm



 Tomb of Anubis



 Wagner Mars Base






 The Aeon Men Deck



 The Scion Deck



Those numbers are in line with our predictions! We’ll leave it as an exercise to the reader to compute the confidence intervals, because we are lazy scientists.

Conclusions gathered from the research data:

  • All environments have a high probability of discarding, with Wagner Mars Base and Megalopolis (almost) having a 100% probability.

    • PRO TIP: Use The Visionary to put a dangerous Environment card or two on the bottom of the deck, and have Tachyon discard them!

  • Tachyon and Legacy are the best heroes to experiment on, for their higher probability of playing cards.

    • PRO TIP: Keep in mind that you’re not usually using Experiment on a full deck. Two early game Lightspeed Barrages can be a shame!

  • The Wraith has a nearly 50/50 chance of either playing or discarding cards.

    • PRO TIP: Never try to knock The Wraith off balance, it’s impossible.

  • Absolute Zero and Bunker are the worst heroes to experiment on, for their lower probability of playing cards.

    • PRO TIP: Ryan Frost has been experimented on quite enough in his day, thank you very much.

  • On average, villains have a 34% chance of playing cards and a 66% chance of discarding them.

    • PRO TIP: You can almost safely experiment on Baron Blade to make him discard... which falls right into his dastardly plot! MWUAHAHAHAHAHA!

Update: Expansion data!

July 2, 2015: The tables above have been updated with decks from Mini-Pack 1, Rook City and Infernal Relics. Some experimental notes of interest:

  • The Ennead have a 100% probability of playing both cards, because their non-character cards are all One-Shots!

    • PRO TIP: Don't. Seriously, just don't.

  • Rook City joins the list of environments that have a 100% probability of discarding.

    • PRO TIP: Any edge you can get in Rook City is worth taking!

  • Each expansion has a hero with a roughly 50/50 chance of playing, and one with a much poorer chance of playing.

    • PRO TIP: NightMist and The Argent Adept can help set up the bottom of any deck for guaranteed results.

  • Unity takes the crown as the worst hero to experiment on by probability.

    • PRO TIP: Unity is not uptight about science, but the chance of getting two bots in play may be worth the risk!

Update 2: More expansion data!

July 13: 2017: It's two years later, and the tables above have been updated with decks from Mini-Pack 2, Shattered Timelines, Wrath of the Cosmos, Mini-Pack 3, Vengeance, and Villains of the Multiverse. Whew! Some notes:

  • The Sentinels have the highest probability of success of any hero deck at 66.67% (2/3 exactly). Setback is the next highest of the new class at 53.33%.

    • PRO TIP: Go ahead, experiment on Setback. What could possibly go wrong?

  • Kismet has the exact same chance of "success" as The Sentinels do, if you're looking to get jinxed. Still might not be the best idea to experiment on the villain.

    • PRO TIP: If you're looking to try to get more clues in play quickly, it might be worth a shot to experiment on Miss Information.

  • The Enclave of the Endlings can never play a card via Experiment. Each Endling is unique!

    • PRO TIP: Keep in mind the numbers for The Temple of Zhu Long may be a bit deceiving, since Shinobi Assassins cannot be merely discarded...

  • Out of all the 15 team villains, the deck with the most chance of discarding cards is Proletariat at 23.68%.

    • PRO TIP: Sad Proletariat is sad.

  • You can experiment on Kaargra Warfang's Title Deck, which isn't listed above. The odds of success are 100% since all Title cards have the same keyword!

    • PRO TIP: Creative cheating is encouraged in the Bloodsworn Colosseum.

Update 3: The last update!

October 26: 2023: We were going to update this with OblivAeon, but.. we got busy. Now we’ve got even more stuff to add: Mini-Pack 4, Mini-Pack 5: Void Guard, OblivAeon, Sentinels of Earth-Prime, and the Magical Mysteries Mini-Pack. That’s all! It’s over! Go home! But first, some notes:

  • Move over, Southwest Sentinels, there’s a new king: Eldritch, with a 70.77% chance! Turns out having only Spells and Relics in your deck is good for experimenting with.

    • PRO TIP: Bowman playing Scavenge the Field out of turn is pretty great, too.

  • The worst Earth-Prime hero to experiment on is Dr. Metropolis, with an only 33.85% chance to play a card.

    • PRO TIP: Carrion Crane powers up with Locations in the trash!

  • OblivAeon does not take kindly to experimentation in any form. Do not recommend.

    • PRO TIP: Don’t even think about the Mission Deck, it’s not allowed!

  • Feel free to run your own calculations for Steam Workshop content!


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